
Memoirs of Illusion
Selections from the Students in the BMoA ArtWorks Program

Sponsored by The Raskind Foundation and Chevron

July 1, 2020 - December 2, 2020

This exhibition celebrates the work of fourteen high school juniors and seniors currently in BMoA’s 2020 ArtWorks Program. This semester-long experience gives students the opportunity to work alongside museum instructors, guest speakers, and artists to empower their passion for the visual arts. As a group, students conceive the theme for the exhibition and bring it to life with their artwork. 

Titled Memoirs of Illusion, this year’s theme challenged students to explore and question the common misconceptions in our evolving lives. It plays abstractly with notions of time and transformation, but also addresses the real social and economic issues of everyday life. Each work on display is a glimpse into the lives of these artists and into the impressions, reveries or delusions that concern them. Now brought to light, these illusions reflect the story and growth of a young collective immersed in the multifaceted extremes of today and signal how we may all approach and learn from our own accounts of illusion that still linger in obscurity.

Participating Artists:

Beta Drews, Briana Canales, Briana Martinez Garcia, Cora Shea Sweeney, Daniela Mercedes Lopez, Hailey Hedlund, Kierstyn Nash, Kylee Anderson, Marisabel Romero, Michelle Saldivar, Sage Mullican, Shantal Cruz, Tenley Taylor Culak, Teresa Silvas.

Beta Drews

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Beta Drews is a non-binary artist who uses the pronouns they/them, which has influenced their art within an interest in politics. Juxtaposing themes such as light and dark, or joy and grief, Drews uses this approach to drive a narrative.

Briana Canales

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Addressing the ways through which nostalgia and memory are translated over time, Briana Canales employs the traditional genres of landscape and still life to reconstruct her family history.

Briana Martinez Garcia

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Briana Martinez Garcia finds inspiration in the art created by her family and fellow classmates. She cites her father’s drawing of a mermaid as the catalyst to her creative endeavors as a child. From that point, Martinez Garcia sought to draw anything she put her mind to and has since developed her skills by sketching and painting. Currently a senior at Golden Valley High School, she hopes to pursue a career as a jeweler after graduation.

Cora Shea Sweeney

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With a critical eye, Cora Shea Sweeney analyzes her subject before deciding the medium and color palette, reworking color, concept, and composition before a piece is completed. While most of her work appears to be finished, they are not, as she feels her art can always be revisited. Memoirs of Illusion inspired Sweeney to create a collection of work with nostalgic imagery of her childhood. Her work references her past and moments of sentimentality.

Daniela Mercedes Lopez

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To this day there are experiences Daniela Mercedes Lopez is unable to revisit, much less convey to others. Though painful, she has learned that these moments can define her for the better or defeat her.

Hailey Hedlund

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Hailey Hedlund’s artwork on display presents notions of a perfect relationship where love can easily obscure reason, sometimes leading to cruel manipulation and abuse.

Kierstyn Nash


For the artist, the transition from childhood into adulthood entails the feeling of constant judgment and pressure to appease everyone around you. This shift is taxing and nauseating, steering one away from the familiar path towards a distant realm of mental alienation. Disconnected from people, from the things you love, from reality – an embodiment of Nash’s most surreal form of being.

Kylee Anderson


Kylee Anderson became interested in drawing and pursuing art in the sixth grade; now it is her main creative outlet. She primarily works with ink pens but prefers colored pencils to elevate a piece. Finding inspiration from interesting turns of phrase and popular culture, Anderson hopes to fill her audience with a sense of wonderment.

Marisabel Romero


Born in 2002 in Los Angeles, CA, Marisabel Romero was innately born with an interest in music and the performing arts. Inspired by the talent she grew up with, Romero spends her time drawing and acting. As an artist, Romero focuses on still life with graphite.

Michelle Saldivar

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Michelle Saldivar found her love for storytelling through popular culture and music. Her passion for the arts influenced much of her childhood, especially her teenage years. At first, she sought to express herself through writing but soon recognized she could also communicate with a brush.

Sage Mullican

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Sage Mullican is interested in creating stories through her art. Her family lineage is full of artists, from fine artists to graphic designers to fashion designers. She spent much of her childhood inspired by the amazing artists in her family and now spends her time ambitiously working to make them proud. As an artist, Mullican focuses primarily on watercolor painting and marker art.

Shantal Cruz

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Shantal Cruz has always been fascinated by different forms of art. When Cruz was in elementary school, she would create bookmarks to sell at school. This would inspire her to prioritize art as her future career. Currently a senior at Ridgeview High School, Cruz spends her time studying and practicing many different forms of art, from traditional to contemporary. As an artist, she prefers to use ink and pen but also works in watercolor, acrylic and oil paint, and animation.

Tenley Taylor Culak

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Tenley Taylor Culak sees this nation as a place where we are all recognized as “free”. But what does that really mean? For Culak, “freedom” is a word that has lost all meaning. When the United States declared its freedom from Great Britain, it became a liberated single unit of people - that freedom inspired the men who designed the Declaration of Independence to proclaim every man equal.

Teresa Silvas

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Teresa Silvas has always had an interest in a variety of video games, exploring these genres on consoles such as PlayStation Portable (PSP), Xbox One, and even Personal Computer (PC). This realm of virtual reality inspired Silvas to adapt and create worlds through graphic design that are inspired by subjects in her own life. All critical to her artistic process, Silvas spends her time playing video games, creating art, and listening to music outside of school.