Like you, we’ve been working from home since Governor Newsom's stay-at-home order was issued. Working this way has its perks, but it's also a challenge. As human beings we crave community. But in this era of social distancing and virtual elbow bumps, coming together in the same physical space just can't happen.
We at BMoA wondered what we can do to both bring our community together and honor our mission to bring meaningful visual arts experiences to people.
We've all been encouraged to take a walk through our neighborhoods, say hi to friends (at socially safe distances). And on those walks sometimes we see people writing beautiful, encouraging messages in chalk.
Chalk work has a special place in our hearts at BMoA because of our annual Via Arté event each fall.
This year, we're inviting everyone to get out and chalk your walk! Right now! Go to your driveway, your sidewalk, whatever. Whether you write words of encouragement for your neighbors or reproduce a famous work of art, we'd love to see what's on your heart. Use #bmoachalkyourwalk in your work and post a picture on social media. Tag us @thebmoa and we'll share your work on our channels too.