Bella Festa!
Monday, October 21, 2024
5:30 PM
Mama Tosca’s Ristorante Italiano
9000 K2-K3 Ming Avenue
Bakersfield, CA 93311
Celebrate the success of BMoA’s 26th annual Via Arté Italian Street Painting Festival with wine and Italian appetizers al fresco, and a private tour of the completed Via Arté artwork with curatorial staff.
This event is made possible by The Marketplace and Steve and Kathy Hair.
Please note:
There are no physical tickets for this event. Once you have completed your reservation, your name will be placed on a guest list. Please call (661) 323-7219 should you have any questions about your reservation. Bella Festa! tickets are 50% tax deductible.
For questions, contact Alli Duncan at (661) 323-7219.