Age Range: 8+
Time to Complete: 15-20 minutes.
Supplies Needed
Construction paper, one black sheet, one white sheet
Pastels or crayons
Colored pencils, black and white
1. On your white construction paper, begin applying bold lines of pastel colors diagonally in a repeated pattern.
For Crayons: begin making your pattern of diagonal lines blending as you go. Skip step 2.
2. With your finger of a paper towel, begin smudging your colors together.
In this example (pictured), the colors are blended using a horizontal rubbing technique.
3. On a sheet of black construction paper, begin to sketch the silhouette or outline of a city. Many neighborhoods have trees, telephone poles and houses. Keep your shapes simple enough that they will not be very difficult to cut out.
5. Cut out your city in one piece.
6. Apply glue to the cut out silhouette. Apply glue to the side on which you drew to hide your lines.
7. Glue your silhouette to your colored paper, lining up the sides and bottom.
8. Add details to your artwork in black colored pencil, like telephone lines or birds. Feel free to color in windows if you made any.
Congratulations! You’ve completed the project.
Silhouette: the dark shape and outline of someone or something visible against a lighter background, especially in dim light.