
Materials | Step-by-Step | Extras


Age Range: 2+

Time to Complete: 60 minutes

Supplies Needed:

  • Paper Plate

  • Scissors

  • String (yarn, ribbons, etc)

  • Contact paper or clear tape

  • Paint (acrylic, watercolor, markers, or glitter glue)

  • Natural Elements (flowers, leaves, twigs, etc.)




1. Paint, color, or decorate the outer edges of the paper plate. Let the paint dry, about 15 minutes.

While your plate is drying, collect the elements that will catch the sun, like flowers or leaves. Take a few minutes to go outside and look at your surroundings. What do you find that you can add to your suncatcher? Look for small, light items. Collect them and bring them back to your workspace.


2. Once the paint is dry, cut a hole in the center of the colored paper plate, leaving the rim intact.


3. Cover the hole in the center with either contact paper or clear tape. These are sticky and will hold materials placed on them. Cling film is not recommended.

4. Carefully place natural elements (flowers, leaves, twigs) on the contact paper.

*Optional: If you have construction or tissue paper on hand. Cut pieces and construct your own design. You can also use other mediums (i.e. glitter glue) to paint flowers or leaves.


5. Cover exposed side of the decoration with a layer of contact paper or clear tape, sealing the design.

6. Poke hole at the top of plate and tie a string through it. Hang near a window and enjoy!


Suncatcher: Also known as stained glass, suncatchers can be glass, plastic, or crystal. It is either stained or painted on, and has various designs and colors.

Collage: An artistic composition made of various materials (e.g., paper, cloth, or wood) glued on a surface.

Assemblage: A three-dimensional composition in which a collection of objects is unified in a sculptural work.