Popsicle Bracelet

Materials | Step-by-Step | Extras


Age Range: 2+

Time to Complete: 3-24 hrs

Supplies Needed:

  • Popsicle sticks

  • Hot water

  • Small container (to hold shape of popsicle bracelet)

  • Paint (watercolors, acrylic, markers, crayons, etc...)

  • Any desired decorative embellishments (stones, yarn, beads, etc...)




1. Parents/guardians: Place wooden sticks in a bowl of hot water for 1-3 minutes. This step makes the wood more flexible. (Without this step, the wood will simply break.)


2. Once the wood is pliable, bend it into the shape of the bracelet and place in a container to dry and harden, 1-3 hours or overnight for best results.

3. Once the wood is dry and stiff, let your little one decorate as desired. Paint was used in our example.

For fun and interesting bracelets, we propose yarn, beads, glitter and rhinestones.


Form: A three-dimensional volume or the illusion of three dimensions (related to shape, which is two-dimensional); the particular characteristics of the visual elements of a work of art (as distinguished from its subject matter or content).

Mixed media: A work of art for which more than one type of art material is used to create the finished piece.