Masking with Tape

Materials | Step-by-Step | Extras


Age Range: 5+

Time to Complete: 25-30 minutes

Supplies Needed

  • Colored Construction Paper

  • Scissors

  • Tape

  • Colored pencils or crayons



1. Begin by creating the borders for your artwork by placing pieces of tape in a diamond shaped formation in the middle of your paper. There should be plenty of space within this diamond shaped area.

2. Once you have your borders in place, begin to make a grid by laying tape parallel to one side of your diamond shape.

Tip: its best to use as thin of a piece of tape as possible, so if you are using regular scotch tape, consider splitting it down the center for thinner pieces.


3. To complete your grid, lay the tape so that you cross your first set of lines to make a tic-tac-toe looking pattern with your tape.

4. When the grid is complete within the diamond shaped area, begin to color in each square with bright and differing colors. Color these areas in as solidly as possible with your colored pencils or crayons.

5. Once you have completed your small drawings in each of the colored squares.


6. When you are done with your drawing, begin to slowly and carefully remove the tape. Doing this step slowly will result in less tearing of the paper.


7. Add any finishing touches.


Mask or masking: the practice of covering portions of your canvas or workspace to protect those areas from the medium being used.