Fingerpainting Flowers

Materials | Step-by-Step | Extras


Age Range: 2+

Time to Complete: 25 minutes

Supplies Needed

  • Finger painting paint or acrylic

  • Brush

  • Paper or canvas

  • Paper towels (or a bowl of water to clean fingers)

  • Embellishments: pompoms, glitter, etc.

  • Glue



1. With a paintbrush, paint the stems of your flowers. Paint as many as you like, creating thin vertical lines on your paper. Create visual interest by varying the length and angle of the lines. Let dry.

2. Dip your finger into the paint gently and carefully place your painted finger on the stems.

3. Use two or more colors to create depth and have the petals pop.


4. Finish your image by adding a ground, grass, the sun, or clouds.


Share your completed work with us on social media.


Color: The visual sensation dependent of the reflection or absorption of light from a given surface.

Hue: Refers to the name of a color such as: red, blue, or yellow.